Introductory Kit includes: Revised and Expanded Manual, 2 Card Decks, and 50 Record Booklets
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Wisconsin Card Sorting Test®

von David A. Grant, Esta A. Berg

Paper and Pencil
Paper and Pencil
Introductory Kit includes: Revised and Expanded Manual, 2 Card Decks, and 50 Record Booklets
Artikelnummer: 4300101
CHF 758.00
25 Record Booklets
Artikelnummer: 4300102
CHF 113.50
Revised and Expanded Manual
Artikelnummer: 4300103
CHF 238.00
Introductory Kit includes: Revised and Expanded Manual, 2 Card Decks, and 50 Record Booklets


6.5-89 years of age.


Dieses Verfahren ist in französischer, tschechischer, norwegischer und schwedischer Sprache lieferbar.


The WCST™ is used primarily to assess perseveration and abstract reasoning. It provides objective measures of overall success and identifies specific sources of difficulty with the task. When used with more comprehensive ability testing, the WCST™ helps to discriminate frontal from nonfrontal brain lesions. It uses stimulus and response cards containing 4 forms (shapes) in different colors and numbers. The subjects sort the cards according to color, form, and number and alter their approach as unannounced shifts in the sorting principle occur.


20-30 minutes.


In use since 1993.

Ref-ID:20551   P-ID:19179

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